D S S Z  M O D E L  C H E C K I NG  T O O L S home page

latest update: Jun 19, 2008


general description
related papers
case studies
related software

G e n e r a l   D e s c r i p t i o n

DSSZ-MC contains tools for the symbolic analysis of bounded Petri nets for standard properties and CTL model checking. They are based on an efficient implementation of Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (zbdd-mc) and Interval Decision Diagrams (idd-mc).


In Preparation

For detailed informations concerning data structures and algorithms see the related papers. The tools read Petri nets in the Abstract Petri Net Notation (APNN) only.

R e l a t e d  P a p e r s

[1] F. Bause; P. Kemper; P. Kritzinger: Abstract Petri Net Notation , 1994

[2] A. Noack: A ZBDD package for efficient model checking of Petri nets (in German), BTU Cottbus, Studienarbeit, 1999

[3] J. Spranger: Symbolic LTL verification of Petri nets (in German), BTU Cottbus, Ph.D. Thesis, 2001

[4] A. Tovchigrechko: Model Checking of Bounded Petri Nets Using Interval Diagrams, BTU Cottbus, Technical Report, 2004

[5] A. Tovchigrechko: Efficient symbolic analysis of bounded Petri nets using interval decision disgrams (submitted version), BTU Cottbus, Ph. D. Thesis, October 2008

C a s e   S t u d i e s

D o w n l o a d

DSSZ-MC is free for non-commercial use only. We provide the binaries for windows, mac and linux in the hope to be useful and with expectations of feedback.

former verions of our BDD based model checkers ->

 R e l a t e d  S o f t w a r e

 C o n t a c t 


. . .  t h e  e n d  . . .