

data structures and software dependability

computer science department

brandenburg university of technology cottbus - senftenberg


latest update: April 06, 2016, at 08:39 PM



Q: Why is Charlie called Charlie? (^)

A: As we all know, Charlie is a close friend of Snoopy, in the real and the virtual world. While Charlie reads a few input formats, it first of all likes Snoopy's file format.

Q: Where can I learn more about the technical Petri net notions and rules used in Charlie? (^)

A: There are basically three options within Charlie:

  • There is a tool tip window popping up when the curser is above a property in the net property result vector.
  • The "?" in the lower right corner yields a brief help window, with all rules, which are hierarchically structured; i.e., clicking on underlined rules opens/closes a subset of rules;
  • help/F1 -> abbreviations provides full text explanations of all used technical notions;

Check also Petri Net Tutorial, Chapter 8.

Q: Does Charlie have a command-line version ? (^)

A: yes, it does; see Franzke09, starting on p.67, A textual interface for Charlie, which also provides some examples.

Q: Which file format should I use to feed Charlie with my own nets? (^)

A: We recommend ANDL - Abstract Net Description Language, written by Snoopy and read by Charlie and Marcie; see Marcie manual for the specification. At best generate some examples with snoopy -> file -> export.

… the end …

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