

data structures and software dependability

computer science department

brandenburg university of technology cottbus - senftenberg

Summary: ColorSet not found
Created: 2017-05-05 06:08
Status: Open
Category: Other
From: Syed
Priority: 5

Program: Snoopy

I am a student developing a model based on generalized stochastic colored Petri net.

When I start simulation, although the model successfully generate the results but in the meantime it is giving me the following errors in the logfile and a pop stating "The previous message repeated 30 times" is shown. The log file has the following lines:

01:48:11: Error: can't open file 'C:\Users\Syed\OneDrive\PhD Work\SnoopyPetriNets\Final Model\MainAlgoCPNv41_WorkSite(2017-05-05T01:48:11Newfoundland Daylight Time).csv' (error 123: the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.)

01:49:22: Error: sp_ds\extensions\Col_PN\ColorSetProcessing\SP_CPN_ColorSetClass.cpp(35): : Colorset is not found

01:49:27: Error: sp_ds\extensions\Col_PN\ColorSetProcessing\SP_CPN_ColorSetClass.cpp(35): : Colorset is not found

I am specially concerned with the error related with Colorset is not found. I have checked all my variables and colorsets, nothing I found that should be problematic. Moreover, when I am using Charlie software and giving it the exported file (the one I've after exporting my Petri net model to ANDL format), Charlie also returns a parsing error and does not load the .andl file. I have also checked with the other format .apnn but that also does not work.

I wonder if you could suggest me anything because I found nothing about Colorset related error. Actually, I am suspecting that the failure of Charlie to load my exported files (.apnn or .andl formats of my Petri net model) may be linked with the Colorset issue in my model.

Best regards Syed PhD student Faculty of Engineering Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada Email: snd804@mun.ca, snasir.danial@outlook.com


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