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data structures and software dependability

computer science department

brandenburg university of technology cottbus - senftenberg

Web-based Petri net animation, Sampler for Debugging

latest change: May 08, 2020, at 09:50 AM

currently supported browsers:

  • Chrome (tested on version: 71 64-bit)
  • Firefox (tested on version: Quantum 64.0.2 64-bit)
  • Safari (tested on version: 9.1.3)

not working browsers

  • Edge (tested on version: 44.17763.1.0) - does not show menu and can't hide hierarchies
  • Internet Explorer - xsl technology not supported


  • pick a Petri net,
  • zoom in/out using the vertical slider,
  • increase token number by left mouse click,
  • decrease token number by shift+left mouse click,
  • select firing strategy (single/intermediate/maximal step),
  • animate by clicking on enabled transition or panel button,

... and enjoy

hints re web-based animation:

  • logical nodes not highlighted;
  • firing of logical transitions buggy;
  • firing with hierarchy buggy;
  • no support of splines, constants;
  • for comparison, download the net and animate locally; when opening the net, chose 'do nothing'.

some correctly working examples

no logical nodes, no hierarchies, only read arcs as special arcs

  • (pn) - to introduce the firing rule: 2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O
  • (pn) - some basic scenarios
  • (pn) - metabolic vs. signal transduction networks
  • (pn) - transcription + translation (gene - mRNA - protein)

tested on

  • safari, Version 12.1.2 (12607.3.10) by mh, 2020/05/08

new functionality - constants to parameterise a PN

Constants are useful to parameterise a given model; integer constants can be used as arc weights or to set the initial marking.

some known bugs

logical nodes not highlighted

  • (pn) - layout options

hierarchy: interface places not correctly coloured

  • (hpn) - animation of hierarchical transitions.

animation of logical transition buggy

  • (pn) - layout options: logical transition fires, after correct alert that the transition is not enabled
  • (pn) - repressilator, inspired by [Phillips 2008]; [LH14]

Sequence options in the animation panel are not working -changing colors of the object state ,for example,changing color of the current transitions.

resolved bugs

special arcs not represented correctly

coloured nodes not shown correctly

hint, nikolas: if still not shown correctly, open in Snoopy and save to new file;

bug in visualisation of hierarchies: connecting arcs missing

… the end …

Any comments or questions are welcome. Please direct them to monika.heiner@b-tu.de Privacy Policy