

data structures and software dependability

computer science department

brandenburg university of technology cottbus - senftenberg

Selected References - Editorships

18 entries

2018 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2003


  • [GH18.fi]
    A Gambin and M Heiner (eds.):
    Advances in Biological processes and Petri nets (BioPPN);
    volume 160 of Fundamenta Informaticae, IOS Press, 2018. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [GH15.tcs]
    D Gilbert and M Heiner (eds.):
    Special Issue 'Advances in CMSB';
    volume 599 of J. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, 2015. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HW15.bioppn]
    M Heiner and AK Wagler (eds.):
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN 2015), satellite event of Petri Nets 2015;
    volume 1373 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 2015. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [GHTU15]
    D Gilbert, M Heiner, K Takahashi and AM Uhrmacher (eds.):
    Multiscale Spatial Computational Systems Biology (Dagstuhl Seminar 14481);
    volume 4, Dagstuhl, Germany, Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2015. [ url ] [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H14.bioppn]
    M Heiner (ed.):
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN 2014), satellite event of Petri Nets 2014;
    volume 1159 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 2014. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [BH13.bioppn]
    G Balbo and M Heiner (eds.):
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN 2013), satellite event of Petri Nets 2013;
    volume 988 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 2013. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [GH12.lncs]
    D Gilbert and M Heiner (eds.):
    Computational Methods in Systems Biology; Proc. 10th International Conference CMSB 2012;
    volume 7605 of LNCS/LNBI, Springer, 2012. [ url ] [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HH12.bioppn]
    M Heiner and R Hofestädt (eds.):
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN 2012), satellite event of Petri Nets 2012;
    volume 852 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 2012. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H11.naco1]
    M Heiner (ed.):
    Special Issue 'Petri Nets for Systems and Synthetic Biology, Part I: Bridging Gaps';
    volume 10 of J. Nat. Computing, Springer, 2011. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H11.naco2]
    M Heiner (ed.):
    Special Issue 'Petri Nets for Systems and Synthetic Biology, Part II: Unifying Diversity';
    volume 10 of J. Nat. Computing, Springer, 2011. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HM11.bioppn]
    M Heiner and H Matsuno (eds.):
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN 2011), satellite event of Petri Nets 2011;
    volume 724 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 2011. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HU11.tcs]
    M Heiner and A Uhrmacher (eds.):
    Special Issue 'Foundations of formal reconstruction of biochemical networks';
    volume 412, issue 26 of J. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, 2011. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [CH10.bioppn]
    C Chaouiya and M Heiner (eds.):
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN 2010), satellite event of Petri Nets 2010;
    June 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [PBG+10.tcsb]
    C Priami, R Breitling, DR Gilbert, M Heiner and AM Uhrmacher (eds.):
    Special Issue on Modeling Methodologies;
    volume 5945 of Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XII, LNCS/LNBI, Springer, February 2010. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [SH10.awpn]
    M Schwarick and M Heiner (eds.):
    Proc. 17th German Workshop on Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets (AWPN 2010);
    volume 643 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, October 2010. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [BGHP09]
    R Breitling, DR Gilbert, M Heiner and C Priami (eds.):
    Formal Methods in Molecular Biology;
    volume 09091 of Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, May 2009. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [HU08.lncs]
    M Heiner and AM Uhrmacher (eds.):
    Computational Methods in Systems Biology; Proc. 6th International Conference CMSB 2008;
    volume 5307 of LNCS/LNBI, Springer, 2008. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [KHW03.lncs]
    H König, M Heiner and A Wolisz (eds.):
    Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems; Proc. FORTE 2003, 23rd IFIP WG 6.1 Int. Conference;
    volume 2767 of LNCS, Springer, 2003. [ doi ] [ BibTeX ]

… the end …

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