

data structures and software dependability

computer science department

brandenburg university of technology cottbus - senftenberg

Selected References - Talks

102 entries

2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996


  • [SRL+20a.sld]
    M Schwarick, C Rohr, F Liu, G Assaf, J Chodak and M Heiner:
    Efficient Unfolding of Coloured Petri Nets using Interval Decision Diagrams;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2020, Paris, June 2020. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [SRL+20b.sld]
    M Schwarick, C Rohr, F Liu, G Assaf, J Chodak and M Heiner:
    Efficient Unfolding of Coloured Petri Nets using Interval Decision Diagrams - Teaser;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2020, Paris, June 2020. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [CH19b.sld]
    J Chodak and M Heiner:
    SPIKE – as a Supporting Tool for a Model Parameters Optimization via Branched Simulations;
    Talk, AWPN2019, University of Hagen, October 2019. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [AH19.sld]
    G Assaf and M Heiner:
    Spatial Encoding of Systems Using Coloured Petri Nets;
    Talk, AWPN2019, University of Hagen, October 2019. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [CH19a.sld]
    J Chodak and M Heiner:
    Spike – reproducible simulation experiments with configuration file branching;
    Talk, Trento, September 2019. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [AHL19.sld]
    G Assaf, M Heiner and F Liu:
    Biochemical Reaction Networks with Fuzzy Kinetic Parameters in Snoopy;
    Talk, Trento, September 2019. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [HH18.sld]
    M Herajy and M Heiner:
    An improved simulation of hybrid biological models with many stochastic events and quasi-disjoint subnets;
    Talk, WSC 2018, Gothenburg, December 2018. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [CH18.sld]
    J Chodak and M Heiner:
    Spike - a command line tool for continuous, stochastic & hybrid simulation of (coloured) Petri nets;
    Talk, AWPN2018, University of Augsburg, October 2018. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [SGH18.sld]
    T Self, D Gilbert and M Heiner:
    Derivation of a Biomass Proxy for Dynamic Analysis of Whole Genome Metabolic Models;
    Talk, Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB2018), Brno/CZ, September 2018. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H18.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    A Petri Net Framework for Spatial And Multiscale Modelling of Plant Biochemistry;
    Talk, Mathematical Modelling in Plants, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK (invited talk), March 2018. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [GHG17.sld]
    D Gilbert, M Heiner and L Ghanbar:
    Personalised models for human – gut microbiota interaction;
    Talk, Methods, tools & platforms for Personalised Medicine in the Big Data Era, NETTAB 2017 Workshop, Palermo/Italy, October 2017. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [LCH17.sld]
    F Liu, S Chen and M Heiner:
    Modeling Biological Systems with Uncertain Kinetic Data Using Fuzzy Continuous Petri Nets;
    Talk, 11th International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB 2017), Shenzhen, China, August 2017. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [HH16.sld]
    M Herajy and M Heiner:
    Accelerated Simulation of Hybrid Biological Models with Quasi-disjoint Deterministic and Stochastic Subnets;
    Talk, 5th Int. Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (HSB 2016), October 2016. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H16.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations;
    Talk, 22nd International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA22), Munich (invited talk), September 2016. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HG16.sld2]
    M Heiner, D Gilbert:
    Model-driven design for Synthetic Systems Biology;
    Talk, Bioinformaticsday@DAIS, Ca' Foscari University (invited talk), July 2016. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HG16.sld1]
    M Heiner, D Gilbert:
    Analysis and repair of whole genome bacterial metabolic models for synthetic biology;
    Talk, Yamaguchi Workshop on Computational Network Biology (invited talk), March 2016. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [GH16.sld1]
    D Gilbert, M Heiner:
    Analysis and repair of whole genome bacterial metabolic models for synthetic biology;
    Talk, Brunel University London, Computer Science Seminar (invited talk), February 2016. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H15.sld5]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations;
    Talk, International Conference for Mathematics and Applications (ICMS15), MSA University, Cairo (invited talk), December 2015. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H15.sld4]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations;
    Talk, Leiden University, NL, Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience (invited talk), November 2015. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H15.sld3]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations – Spatial Modelling in Systems Biology;
    Talk, Sino-German Workshop, Beijing, Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, October 2015. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HSW15.sld]
    M Heiner, M Schwarick and J Wegener:
    Charlie – an extensible Petri net analysis tool;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2015, Brussels, June 2015. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H15.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Model-driven design for Synthetic Systems Biology;
    Talk, Brunel University London, Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology, April 2015. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H15.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Petri Nets 4 Bacterial Bioengineering;
    Talk, Brunel University London, Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology, March 2015. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H14.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations – Spatial Modelling in Systems Biology;
    Talk, Dagstuhl, November 2014. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HH14.sld]
    M Herajy and M Heiner:
    A Steering Server for Collaborative Simulation of Quantitative Petri Nets;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2014, Tunis, June 2014. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H14.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    BioModel Engineering - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Università Ca' Foscari Di Venezia (invited talk), March 2014. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H13.sld5]
    M Heiner:
    Time Petri Nets for Modelling and Analysis of Biochemical Networks – On the Influence of Time;
    Talk, KOSMOS workshop, Humboldt University, Berlin, November 2013. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H13.sld4]
    M Heiner:
    Modular Modelling with Petri Nets;
    Talk, ENS, Département de Biologie/Paris, October 2013. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H13.sld3]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations;
    Talk, Seminaire MeFoSyLoMa (Formal Methods for Hardware and Software Systems), LIPN/Paris (invited talk), October 2013. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H13.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    BioModel Engineering - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, Cachan/Paris (invited talk), October 2013. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H13.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    BioModel Engineering - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Workshop: Teaching Discrete and Algebraic Mathematical Biology to Undergraduates, MBI, Ohio State University (invited talk), July 2013. [ url ] [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [GHLS13.sld]
    D Gilbert, M Heiner, F Liu and N Saunders:
    Colouring Space - A Coloured Framework for Spatial Modelling in Systems Biology;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2013, Milano, June 2013. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HRS13.sld]
    M Heiner, C Rohr and M Schwarick:
    MARCIE - Model checking And Reachability analysis done effiCIEntly;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2013, Milano, June 2013. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [HS12.sld2]
    M Heiner and M Schwarick:
    Markov Chains & Functional Safety;
    Talk, Philotech Academy, Berlin, October 2012. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HH12+.sld]
    M Heiner, M Herajy, F Liu, C Rohr and M Schwarick:
    Snoopy – a unifying Petri net tool;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2012, Hamburg, June 2012. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [Rohr12.sld]
    C Rohr:
    Simulative Model Checking of Steady-State and Time-Unbounded Temporal Operators;
    Talk, 3rd International Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN), satellite event of Petri Nets 2012, Hamburg, June 2012. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HS12.sld1]
    M Herajy and M Schwarick:
    A Hybrid Petri Net Model of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle;
    Talk, 3rd International Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN), satellite event of Petri Nets 2012, Hamburg, June 2012. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H12.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Coloured Petri Nets for Multiscale Systems Biology;
    Talk, Workshop 6: Algebraic Methods in Systems and Evolutionary Biology, MBI, Ohio State University (invited talk), May 2012. [ url ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H12.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    BioModel Engineering - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Jena Centre of Bioinformatics (invited talk), March 2012. [ BibTeX ]
  • [HG12.sld]
    M Heiner and D Gilbert:
    From Petri Nets to Partial Differential Equations and beyond;
    Talk, Workshop on Conceptional Foundations of Systems Biology, Balliol College Oxford (invited talk), March 2012. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [WSH11.sld]
    J Wegener, M Schwarick and M Heiner:
    A Plugin System for Charlie;
    Talk, International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification, and Programming (CSP 2011), September 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [SRH11.sld]
    M Schwarick, C Rohr and M Heiner:
    MARCIE - Model checking And Reachability analysis done effiCIEntly;
    Talk, QEST 2011, Aachen, September 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H11.sld5]
    M Heiner:
    Petri Nets for Multiscale Systems Biology;
    Talk, Brunel University, DISC seminar, September 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H11.sld4]
    M Heiner:
    How Might Petri Nets Enhance Your Systems Biology Toolkit;
    Talk, PETRI NET 2011, Newcastle (invited talk), June 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H11.sld3]
    M Heiner:
    BioModel Engineering - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Brunel University, DISC seminar, May 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [Liu11]
    F. Liu:
    Colored Petri Nets for Modeling and Analyzing Biological Systems;
    Talk, Formal Methods in Molecular Biology, Dagstuhl seminar, April 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HH11.sld]
    M. Herajy and M. Heiner:
    Generalized Hybrid Petri Nets;
    Talk, Formal Methods in Molecular Biology, Dagstuhl seminar, April 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H11.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Biochemical Networks - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Universtita Torino, PhD School (invited talk), March 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H11.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Biochemically Interpreted Petri Nets, Some Open Problems;
    Talk, Universtita Torino, research group Prof. G Balbo (invited talk), March 2011. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H10.sld5]
    M Heiner:
    Biochemical Networks - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, College of William and Mary, Dep. of Computer Science, Williamsburg (invited talk), August 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H10.sld4]
    M Heiner:
    Biochemical Networks - a Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg (invited talk), August 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HMS10.sld]
    M Heiner, C Mahulea and M Silva:
    On the Importance of the Deadlock Trap Property for Monotonic Liveness;
    Talk, Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN), Braga, June 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [LH10.sld2]
    F Liu and M Heiner:
    Colored Petri nets to model and simulate biological systems;
    Talk, Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN), Braga, June 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H10.sld3]
    M Heiner:
    Schaltkreise des Lebens - wie die Informatik beim Lösen der Rätsel hilft, die uns die Evolution aufgibt;
    Talk, BTU Cottbus, Seniorenkolleg, June 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H10.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Modularization and hierarchical representation of biomolecular networks with Petri nets transition invariants;
    Talk, Workshop on Integrative Biological Pathway Analysis and Simulation (IB-PAS), Bielefeld, May 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H10.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Snoopy - a unifying Petri net framework to investigate biomolecular networks;
    Talk, Summer School on Integrative Biological Pathway Analysis and Simulation (IB-PAS 2010), Bielefeld (invited talk), May 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [LH10.sld1]
    F Liu and M Heiner:
    A colored Petri nets-based framework for modeling and simulating biological systems;
    Talk, Summer School on Integrative Biological Pathway Analysis and Simulation (IB-PAS 2010), Bielefeld, May 2010. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [SH09.sld]
    M Schwarick and M Heiner:
    CSL model checking of biochemical networks with Interval Decision Diagrams;
    Talk, CMSB 2009, Bologna, September 2009. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HST09.sld]
    M Heiner, M Schwarick and A Tovchigrechko:
    DSSZ-MC - A Tool for Symbolic Analysis of Extended Petri Nets;
    Talk, PETRI NETS 2009 Paris, June 2009. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H09.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    A Petri Net Perspective on Systems and Synthetic Biology;
    Talk, Brunel University London (invited talk), June 2009. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H08.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Time Petri nets for modelling and analysis of biochemical networks - on the influence of time;
    Talk, MaReBio, Marseille (invited talk), November 2008. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HGD08.sld2]
    M Heiner, D Gilbert and R Donaldson:
    Petri Nets for Systems and Synthetic Biology;
    Talk, Bertinoro (invited talk), June 2008. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HGD08.sld1]
    M Heiner, D Gilbert and R Donaldson:
    Petri Nets for Systems and Synthetic Biology;Workshop on Computational Models for Cell Processes;
    Talk, Satellite event to Formal Methods 2008, Turku, May 2008. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H08.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Modularization of Biochemical Networks by T-invariants;
    Talk, MPI Martinsried, January 2008 (for improved version see: talk given at IB-PAS 2010). [ BibTeX ]


  • [H07.sld4]
    M Heiner:
    Modularization of Biochemical Networks by T-invariants;
    Talk, Univ. Rostock, CS Dep (invited talk), November 2007 (for improved version see: talk given at IB-PAS 2010). [ BibTeX ]
  • [GHL07.sld]
    D Gilbert, M Heiner and S Lehrack:
    A Unifying Framework for Modelling and Analysing Biochemical Pathways Using Petri Nets;
    Talk, CMSB 2007, Edinburgh, September 2007. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H07.sld3]
    M Heiner:
    Modularization by T-invariants;
    Talk, 4ème réunion de l'ARC MOCA, Paris, June 2007 (for improved version see: talk given at MPI Martinsried, January 2008). [ BibTeX ]
  • [H07.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Biochemically Interpreted Petri Nets - Two Open Problems (invited talk);
    Talk, Seminaire MeFoSyLoMa (Formal Methods for Hardware and Software Systems), Université Paris 13 (invited talk), June 2007. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H07.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Mathematical Modelling of Biochemical Networks with Petri Nets;
    Talk, FMP Berlin, February 2007. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H06.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Systems Biology - A Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, TU Ilmenau, Fakultätskolloquium zum Informatikjahr (invited talk), July 2006. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H06.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Pathway Analysis of Biochemical Networks with Petri Nets: animated version / printable;
    Talk, FU Berlin, DFG-Research Center Matheon, May 2006. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [W06.sld]
    K Winder:
    Strukturelle Charakterisierung der Invarianten eines Petrinetzes;
    Talk, FU Berlin, DFG-Research Center Matheon, May 2006. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H05.sld7]
    M Heiner:
    Modelling Biochemical Networks with Time Petri Nets;
    Talk, Glasgow University, Bioinformatics Research Centre (invited talk), September 2005. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H05.sld6]
    M Heiner:
    Petri Nets as Partial Order Semantics for Biochemical Networks;
    Talk, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB '05), Mini-Symposium on Qualitative and Structual Analysis of Biological Regulatory Networks, Dresden, July 2005. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H05.sld5]
    M Heiner:
    An Integrative Approach for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Biochemical Networks Using Petri Nets;
    Talk, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg (invited talk), June 2005. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H05.sld4]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Differential Equations - an Integrative Approach for Biochemical Network Analysis;
    Talk, Munich Systems Biology Forum, Munich (invited talk), May 2005. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H05.sld3]
    M Heiner:
    Modelling of Biochemical Networks with Time Petri Nets;
    Talk, HU Berlin, CS Dep., Seminar "Logic in Computer Science", April 2005. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H05.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Qualitative Modelling and Analysis Concurrent Systems with Petri Nets – Tutorial;
    Talk, Glasgow University, Bioinformatics Research Centre (invited talk), March 2005. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H05.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    From Petri Nets to Differential Equations (ODEs);
    Talk, Glasgow University, Bioinformatics Research Centre (invited talk), March 2005. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [KH04.sld4]
    I Koch and M Heiner:
    Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Biochemical Pathways with Petri Nets;
    Talk, Tutorial Notes, 5th Int. Conference on Systems Biology - ICSB 2004, Heidelberg/Germany, October 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [PHK04.sld]
    I Popova-Zeugmann, M Heiner and I Koch:
    Modelling and Analysis of Biochemical Networks with Time Peri Nets;
    Talk, CS&P 2004, Caputh, September 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H04.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Modelchecking in der Automatisierungstechnik; Wie formal müssen formale Methoden sein?
    Talk, Software Forum Berlin-Brandenburg (invited talk), September 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HK04.sld3]
    M Heiner and I Koch:
    Model Checking of Biological Networks Using Petri Nets;
    Talk, IPK Gatersleben, August 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [KH04.sld3]
    I Koch and M Heiner:
    The Petri Net Model of the Sucrose-to-Starch Breakdown in the Potato Tuber;
    Talk, IPK Gatersleben, August 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HK04.sld2]
    M Heiner and I Koch:
    Model Checking of Biological Networks Using Petri Nets - Three Styles of Environment Models;
    Talk, Schloss Dagstuhl, Workshop Integrative Bioinformatics, July 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HK04.sld1]
    M Heiner and I Koch:
    Petri Net Based Model Validation in Systems Biology;
    Talk, ICATPN 2004, Bologna, June 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [KH04.sld2]
    I Koch and M Heiner:
    Possibilities of Petri net Theory to Validate Metabolic Pathways;
    Talk, 2nd BCB 2004, Bertinoro, June 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [KH04.sld1]
    I Koch and M Heiner:
    Qualitative Biochemical Pathway Analysis Using Petri Nets;
    Talk, CNRS, Structural & Genomic Information Lab., Marseille (invited talk), February 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H04.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Dependable Software for Embedded Systems;
    Talk, VW Wolfsburg (invited talk), February 2004. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H03.sld]
    M Heiner:
    About some Applications of Petri Net Theory - My Petri Net Picture Book;
    Talk, Adventmatik 2003, Paderborn, December 2003. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H02.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Concurrency Patterns - A Petri Net Perspective;
    Talk, Workshop Dependable Components, Schloss Dagstuhl, November 2002. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H02.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Increased Safety by Fault Tolerant Software - Just another Way to Waste Money?
    Talk, Bosch-Zuverlässigkeits-Workshop, Böblingen (invited talk), October 2002. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HK02.sld]
    M Heiner and I Koch:
    Biopathways & Petri Nets - Demonstrated for Apoptosis;
    Talk, Charité Berlin, September 2002. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [HH00.sld]
    M Heiner and R Heinrich:
    Metabolic Petri Nets;
    Talk, Schloss Hohenkammer, DFG-Kolloquium, October 2000. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H00.sld2]
    M Heiner:
    Time-related Modelling of PLC systems with Time-less Petri Nets;
    Talk, WODES 2000, Gent, August 2000. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [H00.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Dependable Software - an Unrealistic Dream or Just a Reality Far Away ?
    Talk, Bosch-Zuverlässigkeits-Workshop, Böblingen (invited talk), April 2000. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H99.sld]
    M Heiner:
    Software Testing - State of the Art, Methods, and Limitations;
    Talk, March 1999. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H98.sld]
    M Heiner:
    Application of Petri Nets to Metabolic Networks (in German);
    Talk, HU Berlin, August 1998. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [S97.sld2]
    J Spranger:
    Symbolic Petri Net Analysis Using Polynomials;
    Talk, AWPN97, October 1997. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [S97.sld1]
    J Spranger:
    FUNlite - A Parallel Petri Net Simulator;
    Talk, 42. IWK Ilmenau, September 1997. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]


  • [H96.sld1]
    M Heiner:
    Safety-related Certification of PLC Application Programs with Petri Nets;
    Talk, December 1996. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]
  • [HDS96.sld]
    M Heiner, P Deussen and J Spranger:
    Production Cell I, A Case Study in Petri Net Based Design and Analysis;
    Talk, August 1996. [ pdf ] [ BibTeX ]

… the end …

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